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Amazing Discoveries 

of the 21st Century

 The Cranial Connection

Facial Development with Fascial Integrity
and the Orofacial Osteopathic-Orthodontic Connection

Mewing and Beyond;
The Tongue, The Swallow
and the Hands;
Fascial Flexibility

The “Gumby Effect”

Addendum and


The Cranial Concept from a Functional Osteopathic Perspective

The Osteopathic interface with Orthodontics/Dentistry is the ideal arena to initiate
Discussion and Dialogue in the NOW!

Growing pains in anatomy and physiology.

Myofunctional Therapy
and Orofacial Myology

New Perspectives on the
Functional Swallow
and the Cranial Concept

in FACIAL Development

What is the
Glymphatic System ?

“Much remains to be studied,
but we propose that
the glymphatic/lymphatic system
acts as a cornerstone in the architecture

 of the brain and body signaling.”

Hablitz and Nedergaard
Journal of Neuroscience  |  September 2021

This observation may have profound
impact on our understanding
of inflammatory and
neurodegenerative disease.

“…to answer fundamental questions
about this system… 

we will need fresh perspectives,
new techniques, 
and collaborations
across disciplines…”

Hablitz and Nedergaard
Current Biology   |  October 2021

What is the 
Cranial Rhythmic Impulse ?

The first half of the 20th century saw the birth
 and the teaching of the Cranial Concept
 within the Osteopathic community.
The concept and its practice spread worldwide in the second half of the 20th century.

A core belief of the whole osteopathic Cranial Concept is the existence of a rhythmic movement different from the respiratory breathing and the arterial pulse. …”

Are the unidentified
‘pulsations’ and ‘oscillations’
observed in current glymphatic research
going to confirm William Garner Sutherland’s 1899 ‘aha‘ observation?

“…the present study
 demonstrates the existence, and normative range
of a third physical rhythm
detected on the human head…”

Rasmussen and Meulengracht
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies  | April 2021

Is the Cranial Concept and CRI (cranial rhythmic impulse) the fresh perspective?

Will there be collaboration across disciplines around the world?

“Paired Partners” in Posture: 
The Temporomandibular Joint and the Sacroiliac Joint

The Temporomandibular Joint

The Sacroiliac Joint
Ken Hub Anatomy   |

Effects and Analogies and Applications

Tasha Turzo, DO, an internationally recognized expert in the integration of osteopathy and functional dentistry, combines three principles of the evolving contemporary Cranial Concept in her book:
 The ALF Approach: Changing the Face of Orthodontics

Oobleck and the “Cornstarch” Effect

Tensegrity and Biotensegrity
Tension and Compression

Fascial Flexibility
“Gumby Awareness”

 Addendum and Commentary

Carolyn Inabinet