Mewing and Beyond
Orthotropics, Forwardontics,
Orofacial Myology and Myofunctional Therapy
What is
Facial Development
‘Mewing’, a tongue activity that can be learned by young and old alike,
is a technique that involves a functional resting position of the tongue.
Place the tongue against the palate (roof of the mouth) behind the upper teeth,
and while keeping the lips closed, maintain nasal breathing.
Swallowing with a ‘suction’ action with the tongue in the upper back portion of the palate
creates a functional swallow.
New Perspectives
on the
Functional Swallow and Osteopathy
Tasha Turzo, DO is internationally recognized
for her orofacial osteopathic contribution to the Cranial Concept, having worked in tandem with dentists and facial development
for over twenty-five years.
The primary importance of the
temporal bone and jaw joint in facial development
is now intersecting with dental/orthodontic awareness and practice.
The orthodontic community is beginning to acknowledge this interface
of the jaw joint with the temporal bone
has more significance than previously understood.
We all know people who have worn braces and then have to wear retainers for the rest of their life or their teeth will ‘migrate’ and their bite will shift.
This well-recognized ‘dental’ phenomenon underscores the inherent motion in the skull
and the cranial osteopathic concept.
This is a game changer in the world of orthodontics,
especially in treating
Temporomandibular Dysfunction….
and overlaps into the osteopathic perspective.
Teeth and occlusion
are manifestations of a functional whole –
an effect and visible result of the body in totality
and this is most evident in the revolution
within orthodontics
…being relabeled as “Facial Development.”
New Perspectives
on the
Functional Swallow and Orthodontics
Currently, a revolution in orthodontics
is approaching world-wide recognition,
thanks to Mike Mew, DDS, creator of Orthotropics
and the viral phenomenon of “Mewing”.
Having evolved through three generations of orthodontists, Mew’s contribution
to facial development emphasizes
the primary importance of the palate and tongue function BEFORE working with teeth and braces.
This orientation is producing quite an overhaul and ‘expansion’ of the orthodontic profession
as well as the palate –
from malocclusions (crooked teeth),
airway dysfunction (sleep apnea),
TMD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction)
and even facial esthetics.
The evolutionary interface
of these two professions is underscoring
what orthodontists have seen and cranial osteopaths have palpated for over seventy-five years.
For more information on
“Facial Development”, visit
According to Mike Mew, DDS and British orthodontist
“the correct postural placement
of the tongue on the roof of the mouth (the palate) helps
align the teeth,
sharpen your jaw line,
accentuate your cheekbones,
and even straighten your nose naturally….
all without invasive surgeries or expensive orthodontics.
This (correct tongue placement) can also
diminish wrinkles
and improve your airways,
bringing your maxilla (upper jaw) forward,
and potentially extending your lifespan
by enlarging your airways, reducing snoring and sleep apnea.”
“It works because in your skull you have these cracks called sutures that help the bones to enlarge evenly as children grow, one of them being on the roof of your mouth (maxillary suture). If you apply consistent pressure on this (suture) using your tongue, it can make your face grow just like using an expanded device.”
(boldface parenthesis added)
And thus the word “Orthotropic”
‘ORTHO’ for straight and ‘TROPIC’ for growth.”
(NAAFO) North American Association of Facial Orthotrophics has merged with the
AAGO (Academy of Airway and Gnathologic Orthopedics)
Biobloc appliance with Orthotropics
or Crozat appliance with Gnathologic Orthopedics?
“Mewing” with Mike Mew
"Mewing" with Mike Mew
Meet Sandra Kahn, DDS
‘Orthotropics’ updated in the United States – ‘Mewing’ reinforced
Author of
JAWS: The Hidden Epidemic
BioScience: The Jaw Epidemic: Recognition, Origins, Cures, and Prevention
Forwardontics: Grow/Feel/Look/Breathe Better
Posture and Breathing
Respiration is the only function in the body that has two organs: nose or mouth.
Compensatory breathing is done through the mouth.
The nose MUST be functioning especially while sleeping:
Closed Mouth with Nasal Breathing
Breathing is controlled by the brainstem, NOT the brain.
If the nose has resistance during sleep, there is struggling;
The brain is engaged and the mouth opens.
Sleep apnea is born.
Conversation with Sandra Kahn, DDS
Oral Myology and The Myofunctional Therapist
The Myofunctional Therapist | Orofacial Myologist
is usually part of a “swallowing” team effort
with dentist, orthodontist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist and/or osteopath.
Image from
Myofunctional therapy is an exercise training program
for correcting tongue posture and facial muscles:
PT (physical therapy) for the tongue.
– how to strengthen the tongue, and
– how to engage the appropriate position of the tongue for a
“Functional Swallow”.
The Mewing craze has promoted recognition of the TONGUE
– a critical first piece of the orofacial ‘puzzle’.
BUT there is much more:
The myofunctional therapist can serve as the interface between a “Mewing tongue awareness’
with a retraining of the brain:
neurophysiological exercises to create a proper swallow ‘reflex’.
Mewing Transformed
Mew’s Orthotropics boldly questions his own profession of Orthodontics,
which has also rapidly expanded into facial development with (rapid) expansion palate devices
not to mention treating Swallowing, Sleep Apnea and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD).
What happened to
braces and
straightening teeth?
Image from
The Orthodontic profession is being questioned and challenged.
Is the ‘Mewing’ controversy a reaction to the statement
‘ just like using an expanded device’?
The traditional field of Orthodontics
is in an era of transformation and rapid change
….along with our faces.
Breathing and Swallowing have risen to a new stature.
What organ is paramount in both breathing and swallowing?
A new perspective and orientation is unfolding:
and, the supremacy of the Tongue enters into our awareness.
Regardless of how much ‘facial change’ can evolve with
Mewing, Forwardontics, Oral Myology, Orthodontics, or Surgery
this focus on breathing and swallowing
intersects within our mouth and nose (oropharynx),
the territory of the Otolaryngologist
…and don’t forget the Neurologist (cranial nerves) and the Pulmonologist (lungs)!
Awareness | Self-Help | Prevention
Self-Help is commendable in any health-care profession.
Patient age and severity of dysfunction
are primary variables that can influence the potential for change.
In the world of dentistry, Mike Mew and Sandra Kahn
are instrumental in challenging the status quo and promoting awareness of facial development.
What can the patient do to facilitate any treatment and enhance positive change?
How much can any given patient change with Self-Help?
When to seek professional treatment?
And where and from whom…in this world of controversial options?
Mike Mew, DDS
has provided remarkable and literally ‘mouth-opening’ information for
Self-Help Guidance with ‘Mewing’
first, awareness and secondly, tools for
Functional Swallowing
…a ‘light-force’ / pressure from the back tongue that stimulates the palate
at the midline (maxillary) suture in response to this gentle movement and pressure.
…an activity which can and does affect everyone!
Sandra Kahn, DDS
Following in the Self-Help and Prevention footsteps
of Mike Mew, DDS and Orthotropics,
Sandra Kahn has created several devices.
Better Breathing and Oral Posture
Both devices are “created to promote nasal breathing and correct resting oral posture.”
The Up-Locker Vacuum Activator aids
“in the prevention of malocclusion, poor jaw development and obstructive sleep apnea
caused by chronic oral breathing in children and adults.”
– Worn ONLY during the day.
– Trains the tongue for proper positioning in the mouth.
– Maintains negative pressure with a visual aid feedback system,
thereby assisting the user in recognition of correct tongue placement.
The BOW, designed
for children (small) or adults (large)
is the first bimaxillary protraction mask
without facial support. The Bow anchors from the chest and forehead, leaving upper and lower jaws free to respond to light, constant, forward pull.
Image from
Is this device used
to not only correct
oral posture
but also to enhance breathing?
What about the lower torso?
But wait!
There’s more to this
Orofacial Puzzle.
The Tongue and the Swallow
are connected to
affect the entire body.
Breathing and Swallowing have risen to a new stature.
What organ is paramount in both breathing and swallowing?
The traditional field of Orthodontics
is in an era of transformation and rapid change
….along with our face.
Regardless of how much ‘facial change’ can evolve with
Mewing, Orthotropics, Orthodontics, Forwardontics, Myofunctional Therapy, or Surgery
the focus on breathing and swallowing which occurs within our mouth and nose (oropharynx)
interfaces with the territory of the Otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat)
the Neurologist (cranial nerves) and the Pulmonologist (lungs)!
A new perspective and orientation is unfolding
as the supremacy of the Tongue and the whole body enter our awareness.
Meet Tasha Turzo, DO
and investigate the
Orofacial Osteopathic-Orthodontic Connection