Addendum and Commentary

Addendum and Commentary Drs. John and Mike Mew’s last name has transformed into a verb! ‘Mewing’ has created a gateway into contemporary ‘internet viral’ awarenesswith ‘ how to widen the palate’  for treating a plethora of dysfunctions:sleep apnea, TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction),crooked teeth (malocclusions), and facial aesthetics. Dentistry and Orthodontics have grown exponentially…and so has […]

Facial Development with Fascial Integrity

 Fascial Integrity in Facial Development THE ALF APPROACH The ALF Approach book presents theunderlying causes of – crooked teeth, – jaw pain, and– postural changes  …and the “WHY” behind relapse. Discover the critical functions of – nasal breathing, – chewing– functional swallowing, and – resting position of the tongue in the upper palate. …the elements of […]

Into the BEYOND

Beyond ‘Mewing’,
Orthotropics and Forwardontics

The Cranial Connection
…and Tongue to Toe with the Swallow
within the fascial network of the body.

The tongue, the ‘kingpin’
of the fascial network, 
affects not only swallowing
but also breathing!

Putting the puzzle together with the
Cranial Osteopathic Perspective

Current Principles

Three principles in the evolving contemporary Cranial Concept
as outlined by Tasha Turzo, DO,
cranial osteopath
specializing in orofacial development.

– Gumby Awareness –
Fascial Flexibility

– The Cornstarch Effect –
Touch, Tissue and Thixotropy

– Tensegrity and Biotensegrity –
Tension and Compression

Tensegrity and Biotensegrity

“The integrity of an entire structure
 is based on its tensional capacity
 for continuous movement and balance
 between all the elements.”

“The body exists in a delicate balance
of tensile and compressive forces
that hold all our
physical structures in balance.”

Tasha Turzo, DO | The ALF Approach

The Orofacial-Pelvic Connection

Interconnectivity in Motion and Balance
– Two Temporomandibular Joints in the skull
– Two Sacroiliac Joints in the pelvis

Discover the debilitating effects than can occur
when one of these joints is not balanced or is restricted
with a dental appliance and a spinal fusion.

How to initiate a “A Perfect Storm”
in the world of the Cranial Osteopath.

The Glymphatic System Meets the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse

“…to answer fundamental questions about this system…
we will need fresh perspectives, new techniques,
and collaborations across disciplines…”

Are the unidentified ‘pulsations’ and ‘oscillations’
observed in current glymphatic research confirmation of
William Garner Sutherland’s 1899
‘aha’ observation in medical school?

Will there be “collaboration across disciplines”?
Is Cranial Osteopathy the “fresh perspective”?