TransPersonal Consciousness
A BirthRight of Humanity
A Time of Wonder
Alexis Ffrench
Tragedy to Grace
Hope Reframed
A ‘door ajar’ allows
the little thing with feathers
to fly inside.
And never stops – at all….”
Emily Dickinson
Waiting with my door ajar
And suddenly I feel it…a warmth, a shimmering…first around my head and then radiating throughout me…
enveloping within and without.
This sensation and awareness stops me dead in my tracks.
And I bask in a consciousness of Presence that elicits profound tears of gratitude and a sense of wellbeing.
All shall be well…
even though the ice-pick pain in my jaw and face also waits with me in this moment, suspended in time.
Hope is ‘graced’ from the Beyond
…a gift from the Ground of Being.
One afternoon after a summer rainstorm, I was running and playing in the street, splashing in puddles. Standing in the middle of Redbud Drive, a shower began and rain was gently falling on my head. As my eyes gazed west into the early evening sky, a rainbow appeared.
My arms reached out to catch the raindrops.
Kiss the Rain
Meyers, arr. Hauser
I lived on Redbud Drive in Knoxville, Tennessee as a child. Our front yard was covered in dogwood trees with only one redbud tree.
The side street that led into our driveway was uphill.
The rain kissed my face that day ….so many years ago.
And as equilibrium peeks from around the clouds
into a blue sky underneath a rainbow umbrella,
and one redbud tree graces my driveway,
I Kiss the Rain.
Once again, I am this little girl
…this time, standing in a shower of Gratitude.
Many times during my lifetime,
this memory has washed over me
with a deep sense of peace.
– my standing in the middle
of the street,
– arms outstretched
to touch the sky,
– absolute awe and wonderment
of the blue sky peeking around billowy dark clouds,
– all dancing underneath
a rainbow umbrella.