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Attention, Breath and Surrender

Breath, Surrender, Attention and Re-Dok Breath “Student, tell me, what is God?”‘It is the breath inside the breath.” Kabir The constant rhythm of breathing in and out maintains an intersection with the Ground of Being, a sense of interconnectedness and Nowness. The Experience of Our Existence What amplifies bodily awareness?   In her book, “The Grace of […]

Tragedy to Grace

TransPersonal Consciousness
BirthRight of Humanity

A ‘door ajar’ allows the little thing with feathers to fly inside.

“Hope is that thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul-
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops- at all…”
Emily Dickinson

Waiting…with my door ajar.

A Time to Wonder

TransPersonal Consciousness A BirthRight of the Human Kingdom A Time of Wonder Alexis Ffrench The Sounds of Silence The Lonely Road A Shower of Gratitude Soaring Chapter 1 | Living, Dying and Transformation “The shortest, the swiftest, and the surest way to plum Truth is through a mortal leap into the Unknown”:Henri Bergson “Higher Energies […]


“What is truer than Truth?
Answer: The Story”
Isabel Allende


Join me on a journey into the world of the Cranial Osteopath –
And discover amazing happenings!

“The shortest, the swiftest, and the surest way to plum Truth
 is through a mortal leap
 into the Unknown.”
Henri Bergson

A Time of Wonder

I wonder if a new medical paradigm
is emerging?

Awareness of
“Mewing”, the Glymphatic System and the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse
is growing worldwide
….all possibly stimulated and reinforced by the Tongue and the Swallow.

Medical possibilities abound.
Dialogue and Discussion
need to materialize as well.

Facial Development with Fascial Integrity

 Fascial Integrity in Facial Development THE ALF APPROACH The ALF Approach book presents theunderlying causes of – crooked teeth, – jaw pain, and– postural changes  …and the “WHY” behind relapse. Discover the critical functions of – nasal breathing, – chewing– functional swallowing, and – resting position of the tongue in the upper palate. …the elements of […]

Mewing and Beyond

The Cranial Connection
…and Tongue to Toe
with the Swallow within the fascial network of the body.

Putting the puzzle together
with the Cranial Osteopathic Perspective