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1981 Serendipity and Providence

“What did you just do with my back?’ I asked my PT, sitting on her treatment table.
She told me she was learning interesting palpatory techniques with an osteopath. And thus she came to explain the cranial Osteopathic perspective of palatal motion.

This moment in 1981 changed my direction.
And thus began my first steps down the
“Road Less Traveled”.

Intuitively, I knew this was my Truth.

1978 | The Basket Case

During 1978, I quickly became a “Basket Case” within the dental community.

Craniofacial pain was triggered in a routine dental appointment: the dentist ground a tooth (equilibration).

This procedure unintentionally and instantaneously precipitated
a ‘lightening bolt’ of sharp pain
flashing through my face.

The benefits of cranial osteopathic oral treatment are astonishing, as I later discovered.

1975 | A Perfect Storm

– A spinal fusion in the lower back –
– A dental splint on the upper teeth –

Elements of
in the world of the cranial Osteopath.

I was 24 years old when the storm began.

I invite you to accompany me
on a journey into the realm of medicine
without a map or a compass
 –  into the world of Unknown Diagnosis

Inguinal Linguini

My tongue and mouth were usually unable
to pronounce “inguinal” correctly.   
It became a standard joke between
my doctor and myself to say


The Cat Bite

Discover the amazing ‘How and What’
that emerged from hands-on treatment
for a cat bite.

“What in the world can you do for a cat bite with only your hands? I have a infection – a red streak running up my arm! “ I exclaimed.

Confidence building
in possibilities and potentials.