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The Silence
The Seeker in the Silence

I failed to recognize that these medical events
were my initiation into exploring different ideas…

my first steps in seeking the Beyond
and venturing into the Unknown…

into the world of the cranial Osteopath.

Dental Dilemma USA


En route to unforeseen dental adventures
before and after
The Cranial Connection (1986),
startling discoveries were
yet to unfold.

Starting in Arizona,
I roamed around the country:
Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Michigan,
Indiana, and California – where an
unexpected detour emerged.

Perceptions and Wonderings

The StoryTeller

I wonder what relationship there is between a classical organ player and a breech birth?

Find out about the demands of playing the classical organ and the potential impact on the performer with structural abnormalities.

And how cranial osteopathic care
harmonized the dissonance.


What do an Osteopath
and a Piano Teacher have in common? 

The artistry of ten fingers flowing across piano keys
is both audible and visible…vibrations of Sound the ear can hear.
The artistry of ten fingers palpating the body
is both silent and invisible…the vibrations of Silence the body can feel.

Both exemplify the exceptional, the remarkable, the extraordinary..
Music evokes a ‘felt’ sense beyond words.
Palpation elicits a ‘felt’ sense beyond belief.


Join me on The Road Less Traveled” and my lifelong experiences in the world of Cranial Osteopathy as my primary form of medical care.

What was done in the name of medicine can be undone..
Disorder into Reorder
The Before, the After and the Now.

Recognition and Awareness

Removal (resection) of the Ptyergoid Hamular
Process was the oral surgeon’s recommendation.

The Ptyergoid Hamulus is not a dinosaur,
but rather a little bone in the back of the palate.
The surgeon was hoping to alleviate the ‘sharp sensation’ that had plagued me for two years.
An orthodontic procedure had caused
this bone to shift and protrude from the palate.

Osteopathic cranial treatment improves
the functionality of the body
within the structure
…critical when altered and traumatized.

The BEYOND of the Unknown

On June 4, 1996 at 10:30 am,
an orthodontic procedure triggered
the onset of a bizarre orofacial syndrome.  

Little did I know that this was
the beginning of more than
twenty-five years of puzzling symptoms
….complexity beyond the scope of specialization in dentistry, neurology, orthopedics and otolaryngology.

The cranial Osteopath
did not depend on a scan or a lab test
to confirm or treat
this unknown consequence
with no diagnosis.

Intubation Injury Revelation

An oral injection before surgery had unexpected consequences and revelations.
It was the summer of 1998.

“Don’t you think this could damage your palate?” asked the oral surgeon,
waving a laryngoscope in front of my face
while I was sitting in his dental chair.

Oral surgery was postponed.
Memory of anesthetic trauma was triggered. 
I was alone, ninety miles east of Chicago
in a Super 8 motel
… a long way from Phoenix.

The puzzle pieces began to fall into place
… after twenty-five years.

And I discovered
that osteopathic cranial treatment stabilizes
the autonomic nervous system not only in
drug withdrawal but also in PTSD.

1982 ‘Cold Turkey’ Potency

An amazing experience with Potency –
of medication as well as the body’s inherent capacity for self-regulation.

“You certainly can’t stop taking this drug… you have to taper off slowly,” roared the psychiatrist.” ‘Just watch me!” I shrieked.

Wiithdrawal symptoms were extreme. Osteopathic hands-on cranial treatment enabled toleration of a ‘cold turkey’ cessation of Nardil,
a psychoactive drug that precipitated a seizure.

1977 Prognosis Protest

It was 1977. I was 30 years old

The diagnosis of degenerative disc disease
and a prognosis of all vertebrae fused
by the time I reached 50 was inconceivable.

Thus, my Seeking began.

Unknowingly I became a PROGNOSIS PROTESTOR! My prognosis was eventually annihilated by stumbling into the ‘Unknown’ with a cranial Osteopath.