Orthodontic Ordeal and Detour
“The Road Not Less Travelled”
The California Ortho adventure
began in the early 1990’s.
This journey was short and sweet
into Orange County
– 45 minutes by air from Phoenix.
The freeways were a maze.
Driving from Orange County to a
Santa Monica referral was
Korean Ki; Chinese Chi;
Indian Prana; Japanese Qi
My traveling West to California
ended up taking me further
Dental Dilemma USA
En route to unforeseen dental adventures
before and after
The Cranial Connection (1986),
startling discoveries were
yet to unfold.
Starting in Arizona,
I roamed around the country:
Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Michigan,
Indiana, and California – where an
unexpected detour emerged.
The BEYOND of the Unknown
On June 4, 1996 at 10:30 am,
an orthodontic procedure triggered
the onset of a bizarre orofacial syndrome.
Little did I know that this was
the beginning of more than
twenty-five years of puzzling symptoms
….complexity beyond the scope of specialization in dentistry, neurology, orthopedics and otolaryngology.
The cranial Osteopath
did not depend on a scan or a lab test
to confirm or treat
this unknown consequence
with no diagnosis.